1. Having nothing to do

As a child, you would sit there and complain that you’re bored and have nothing to do, whilst your friend James is off climbing a mountain with his family.

As an adult, you sit there with a grand smile on your face as you do nothing, whilst your friend James is off climbing a mountain.  Sucker.

  1. Sleeping in on the weekend

As a child, you couldn’t wait to Continue reading “THINGS YOU HATED AS A KID BUT LOVE AS AN ADULT”


Five golden rings
Five golden rings

We live in a world where we cry foul whenever we are treated unfairly, and I am thankful for this right.  One day, we will actually live in a fair world, but progress and social evolution isn’t going to be achieved if we side with tradition.  It is always the radical that pushes us forward towards a more enlightened and free life, it is not the traditionalist binding us to the ideals of the past.

Continue reading “MARRIAGE EQUALITY”


In honour of Netflix’s announcement of production for a 5th season of the incredibly timeless and funny Arrested Development, let’s go through our favourite top 5 reoccurring Non Bluths.  For argument sake, we will also disqualify any Funkes, because, let’s face it, the never-nude Tobias is one of the best characters to ever be introduced to you.  Let’s get started with season 1:

  1. Maggie Lizer – Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Maggie “feels” the handsome man’s face

“Maggie Lizer, as in Maggie lies her ass off” and boy does she lie her ass off.  Continue reading “ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT: TOP 5 NON BLUTHS, SEASON 1”

Superman… shouldn’t he be fat?

A festively voluptuous and big boned Superman
A festively voluptuous and big boned Superman

Many of you are already infuriated that I have the audacity to even question Superman’s awesome rock hard body, let alone imply that he’s fat.  I’ve thought about it long and hard and this is what health magazines, television, movies and the gym has taught me:

  1. Superman eats like a normal person.
  2. Superman does not require a huge amount of caloric intake when he’s performing crazy Superman feats. He never stops for a burger when he’s travelling at the speed of light.  He can run/fly around the world without even breaking a sweat.
  3. Superman rarely, if ever, lifts something that’s actually heavy for him. And even then, it’s like an aeroplane which is travelling at 300+ miles an hour right into him.
  4. Superman never actually exercises for the sake of exercising. He does perform manual labour, I’ll grant you that.
  5. Humanoids only build muscle through resistance training. Your muscles tear and repair in order to build.
  6. In order to get larger muscles, you must continuously lift weights which are heavier for you.
  7. There comes a point that your “natural” body will no longer get any bigger, irrespective of how much weight you push, pull or lift.

Continue reading “Superman… shouldn’t he be fat?”

KUNG FURY : So tragically bad that it’s incredibly good

Triceracop and Kung Fury
Triceracop (left) and Kung Fury (right)

The best worst movie of the 80s that’s been made in 2015. Boom!  Never taking itself seriously and always fun, Kung Fury is the must see of 2015.

This movie is the epitome of a good bad movie.  Now, if you’re confused, you won’t be once you’ve seen it.  Laser Unicorns has produced a gem of a crap heap.  From its bad 80s music, convoluted plot line rip off of every movie ever made, weird stiff acting, awkward pauses, incredibly awesome bad special effects and strange nonsensical dialogue, this movie has it all and you want it and more.  Writer, Director and star, David Sandberg, took every cliché from the 80s movie making world, chucked it in a blender, and made this awesome piece of fun crapolla.

Continue reading “KUNG FURY : So tragically bad that it’s incredibly good”

Peyton Manning? Who?

Football on your phone (ad)
Football on your phone (ad)

I was new to NFL and had no clue who was whom when it came to the sport.  With a partner who is not quite obsessed, but burgeoning on it, I decided that perhaps it was time to take an interest.

So yes, I have been living under a rock, and I know nothing about the sport.  All I knew was that Tom Brady was the luckiest man on earth.  Being one of the best quarterbacks of the game and married to one of the hottest woman on earth, the envy of men all around the world.  In my mind, David Beckham has nothing on Brady.  And not being American, I was unfamiliar with how prolific the Manning boys are in American pop culture (especially in commercials).

Continue reading “Peyton Manning? Who?”