Deadpool: his and her review

Deadpool… need we say more?  If you don’t know that this movie has been released, you either are completely cut off from society; or you are just better than the rest of us and don’t fall for commercialism. Either way, time to get out and smell the fun.

Let’s get the review on, we start with HIS review, because well, Chris Banter saw it first.  There will be spoilers… but we will try to not write so many for you.

His Review

So finally an R rated Marvel movie! No more polite “I hate you” or “this stinks” kind of lines! Head chops, body slams, limbs violently chopped and people turning into fucking kebabs! Oh did I say fucking? That’s because this is an R rated review mother fucker!

Every time I watch a marvel movie I can’t help but compare how close is this to the comic? How much do the characters look to the comic version? And then I have to accommodate for the time difference, the comic was written way back when, and the movie is for a more modern time. Either way Death pool was great. It had everything I’ve been waiting for a marvel movie to have. Just like the comic the Deadpool character is a wild card that draws our interest back into the marvel universe. He’s a unique character in the marvel universe because he is dark, violent, but at the same time he is hilariously funny. For those who don’t know, one of Deadpool’s powers is his awareness of an audience watching him. This is not explained in the movie but it was cleverly used in the movie to make satirical jokes about other marvel characters, movies and even Ryan Reynolds the actor himself.

Speaking of Ryan Reynolds, what better actor to play Wade Wilson and Deadpool. His comical voice pulled off every whitty line and delivered every joke effortlessly. Needless to say that this movie would have been a complete and total flop without him. Gina Curano, famous MMA fighter turned actor (yes there was someone before Ronda Rousey), also starred in Fast and Furious 6 and some other movie I can’t remember. While she looked super butched and had a short boob slip scene where we couldn’t see any boob, did nothing for this movie. Best thing she did was a super hero entry, which would not have been good if it wasn’t for Deadpool hyping up the fact that she was making a super hero entry. Oh and she cheap shot a dick punch to Colossus.

Colossus and his side kick Negasonic Teenage Warhead also did close to nothing for this movie. The best thing Colossus did was to be a wall that Deadpool broke his arms and legs on, while Negasonic had that one cool scene from the trailer where she runs with a burst of energy. I guess X-Men characters don’t just suck in X-Men movies.

Morena Baccarin played Wade Wilson’s girlfie/wifey. While she does what she does best, playing the trusty hot girlfie/wifey she got naked and we thank her for that.

Do I need to talk about the villain in this movie? I feel he is not important as his only purpose in this was to provide an actual story line and to be the end of a good joke. Spoiler alert, he gets shot in the head during Colossus hero speech which Deadpool totally ignored and as Deadpool said “no one cares” what his name is!

Deadpool is neither villain or hero and this allows for his character to act without restriction. Thank god this movie was R rated, it allowed Ryan Renolds to take Deadpools character straight out of the comic books and onto the silver screen without any lost of substance that makes Deadpool.


Rating:10/10, It’s got everything, lots violence, lots comedy,  a little romance, special effects, lots of cool slow motion scenes and they threw in some nudity. Random strippers for the dudes, Ryan Renolds ass for the ladies. My only complaint is a lot of the good bits are in the trailers. Shouldn’t have watched the trailers. 😦

See it again: Yes. Definitely watch it again, hell I might even pay to watch it at the cinema again.

Worth my time: Yes. A must for marvel fans. not sure about the haters of marvel movies.

Take my mother: Hell yeah… not. Any movie with sex scenes and dick jokes is probably not a good movie to watch with your mum.

Talking points: My only complaint is a lot of the good bits are in the trailers. Shouldn’t have watched the trailers. 😦

Annoyance factor: 0/10, The movie is called Deadpool because he is the movie!



Her Review

Deadpool is a love story!  And appropriately so, after all, it’s almost Valentines Day, and what better way to celebrate this than by taking your gal or guy to see it?  Well, so long as you’re both over 18.

Fox have been marketing it as Valentines Day movie, albeit, in jest.  For me, at its core, Deadpool is a a love story, with a cool revenge sub-plot.  I almost shed a tear, and I would have, if Deadpool didn’t make me laugh.

Ryan Reynolds has finally delivered on his leading man potential.  Finally.  Don’t get me wrong, he was great in The Proposal, but he has never quite delivered (in box office returns) as the lead character.  He’s charismatic, good looking to both men and women, has great comedic chops and can deliver drama with the best of them, but he’s always fallen short.  Well, he’s short no longer.

Deadpool is offensive, funny and action packed.  Right from the get-go.  The plot is solid, with no annoying ‘that didn’t make sense’ moments, where you’re left wondering why something just happened or appeared.  It delivers on what it promised.

Morena Baccarin is Vanessa, the Hot Babe of the movie.  Only, she’s way more than that.  The writers and Tim Miller (Director) did a great job of giving her a personality and quickly making you believe why Wade Wilson loves Vanessa so much, and vice versa.  Theirs is a love that comes together when two odd souls find each other.

So, it could have been corny, super sappy even, if it weren’t for the fact that this is R-rated and even the sex is funny.

For me, one of the best characters is Dopinder, the taxi driver.  Oh, I worry about him.

It can be said that any super hero movie is only as good as its villain.  In the case of Deadpool, we have Ajax, otherwise known as Francis.  He’s a sociopath who enjoys what he does for a living.  It’s great to love your work, but when your work is to basically torture people until they either die or do the other thing, it’s basically the setting for super evil baddy who really has one possible outcome… or is it only one?  Ed Shrein does a great job as Ajax, although, he reminds a lot of a Nicholas Hoult, you know, the young Beast.  It was almost like I was watching an older Hank being crazy, and I expected him to turn blue and beasty any moment.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead is awesome!  I love how she and Deadpool trade smartass remarks to each other.  Wade found a kindred spirit in her.  As for Colossus, he was super cool, in a not so cool kind of way.  There are so many little cute moments with him, it was comical and a pleasure to watch him.  We had seen Colossus in the previous X-Men movies, always under utilised, and mostly, a student in Xavier’s school.  Now, he’s graduated to being a mentor, and he’s a good one at that.  This is the best Colossus we’ve seen, and one who actually has a personality.  I look forward to seeing more of him in the future.

And that’s where this movie has differed from other super hero movies in the last decade.  The characters are oddly fleshed out, with strong personalities.  All established through their dialogue and they way they interact with one another.

We know that Colossus is caring and nurturing, Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a teenager with a bad attitude, but a good heart.  We know that Blind Al is independent and super cool.  A very tight script with great character development.

This movie is not for the faint of heart, or those who are easily offended.  If you don’t like it when people curse, don’t see this movie.  If you are uncomfortable with sex and sex jokes, don’t see this movie.  If you are not OK with movie violence, then definitely don’t see this movie.

It has been rated R, and it deserves this rating.  There are so many adult only jokes, and even then, not your clean adult either.  It’s funny, it’s light hearted, it’s violent as f’ck.  It’s not quite Kill Bill violent, but close.

T.J Miller is good, he is his usual self in this movie.  It’s no more or less than I expected.  He’s the funny best friend, no more, no less.  I definitely did not want to see more of him in the movie, he’s like chilli, great in small doses, but too much will make you sh*t your pants.

I loved this movie, from beginning to end.  I wanted it to be longer.  I wanted Wade Wilson to get back his pretty face.  Oh well, I guess being true to your origin means he is to be one ugly mofo, that’s for sure.  The soundtrack for this movie is so old school, it’s fantastic.  From the get go, the soundtrack makes you laugh.  It’s perfect for the tone of this movie.

This movie is littered with jokes from beginning to end, and for me, it was a joy to watch.  Then again, I like my comic book movies to be more nitty gritty, less fluff and more substance.  I want to see heroes be more human and less preachy.

If you’re OK with swearing, gratuitous violence, all things sexual (in jest), then, this is your movie.  It’s a well written, acted and directed movie, full of fun action and sassy dialogue.


Rating: 9/10.  There was something missing for me, but right now, I cannot pin point what that is.

See it again: Yes, I’m curious to see if there is any re-watch factor for this movie.

Worth my time: Yes! It’s only the best super hero movie that has been made.

Take my mother: Hell no!  My mother is a lady, no way would I take her to see this.  I might take dad though, with my brother in tow.  It’d be a cool family outing.

Talking points:  Oh so many talking points.  This movie is fun.  Then again, it’s good, very good in fact, it makes it hard to harp on about.  I’m more inclined to bitch about annoying parts in a movie than talk about good ones.

Annoyance factor: 0/10, it just didn’t annoy me at all.  There was nothing about it that annoyed me, which is odd and a testimony to how enjoyable this film is.

One thought on “Deadpool: his and her review

  1. Chris, seriously? Come on, getting naked is worth thanking? It’s as though you’re a 15 year old boy.

    You didn’t find Colossus funny? He’s funny! Blah, why do I bother?

    Wow, we really do differ in our opinions.


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